True Lammas - 7th August
I am writing this in response to a lot of the tensions felt across the lands in the UK right now regarding recent riots and to send out some positive Lammas prayers at this time - despite these tensions, tuning in here from Glastonbury, the energy beneath it has felt very peaceful, holding these storms as they release and purge themselves. This year, True Lammas falls on the 7th August this year, when the sun reaches 15° in Leo at 01:10 am BST and tomorrow will be 8/8/8. This energy will be met by the powerful Sirius energies as she rises at predawn in August at various latitudes across the planet. I have written all of this from the heart with the intention of peace, love and unity and recognition of divine Consciousness in all beings. If some of my phrasing feels a bit curt or something I say feels triggering, please take it as a gift to look at what feels hurt and to find out if there is an old emotion or limiting belief which is ready to be transformed at this time. You may disagree with what is written here and I hope that you find what feels right for you and engage in conversations with your communities. Ultimately, we can all find harmony with each other, even if we have different beliefs.
In one talk about crime on women it was spoken about the need to be 'factually correct' in these times, rather than 'politically correct.' It's important that we can talk openly about these issues - being discerning about things we notice is not the same as being judgemental. Yet it's vital that we focus on where the root of the issues are found. At the end of the day, much of this stems from fear - fearing domination from another culture or domination of the feminine in particular. If we are focused on our own cultures and beliefs and trust in our own higher powers, then we do not need to be living in fear. At the end of the day, we are all the same Consciousness, in human bodies. But people across this world have got lost in identity, culture, religion and forgotten their true nature - as timeless pure awareness. When we meditate, we drop our thoughts and ideas and become aware of them - we are simply 'being,' free of all labels and thoughts about ourselves. By that same token, we are also all individuals and I feel it is not ethical to look at 'migrants' as one big group, since all the people are different and the cultures are different too - however, the system urgently needs looking at and how people are checked needs to be examined so that there is more safety regarding dangerous criminals being let into the country.

Keeping Peaceful Amidst the Purging Storms
It could be argued that there are agendas to pull people into lower vibratory states of fear, so that there are windows for more controlling systems to step in which are even more disconnected from the earth - these energies are also very draining right now and pulling people into states of hatred or fear. In terms of psychology, this is known as 'problem-reaction-solution' strategy, used by some governments who may first create a problem which creates a reaction e.g. puts people into a state of fear and then a 'solution' will magically arise which will calm the waters and the people will be more likely to accept it. We have seen these unethical manipulation strategies in recent years in particular.
At the end of the day, we need more filtering to protect our lands from criminals and people with dangerous agendas, but that doesn't mean that we need some 'problem-reaction-solution' to come in which imposes more control ie. digital IDs. We need to be able to trust that our system can filter out criminals or fanatics and trust that everyone else is here authentically and genuinely wanting to experience Britain/British culture. If our system is not doing that, then it needs examining.
Criminals & Fanatics
We cannot afford to be naive and 'woke' either - if we are simply talking about these issues, it does not mean that we are racist or Islamophobic. These criminals and fanatics are bringing shame to many and causing tension and giving a bad name to Muslims for example. Criminal rapists, murderers and religious fanatics (and fanatical groups) are dangerous and it needs addressing. It is obvious to say that no-one needs to become racist and hate a whole country or religion due to the evil actions of certain individuals (or fanatical groups) with mental illnesses. The problem with the recent 'far right' riots in the UK has been the hatred and racism, stemming out of fear of being dominated - how can that Mars-like passion and anger be channelled into healthier streams, so that these men can use their yang energy into creating what they do wish to see in the world or defending the things they feel passionately about?
Migrants who live in the UK need to have respect for Britain and the existing culture here - those with no intention to respect the culture and who just have agendas to impose their own culture or religion on others or dominate women should not be allowed into the country - there are some radical Imams speaking publicly about their agendas to spread Islam or destroy Western culture and France recently deported one Imam who was encouraging misogyny and inciting hatred through encouraging jihad and Sharia law. Does protecting the land and upholding safety involve deporting criminal or fanatical migrants? In the UK, some have been wanting to impose their own fanatical laws in communities such as lashing women for adultery or justifying killing apostates (people who leave their religion) - all of this needs to stop and UK law must be respected and upheld. Migrants from countries which uphold Sharia law or other laws which run contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights need to acknowledge this Declaration and be educated about human rights if they are to live in the UK.

Full Moon ring of light
Although the Quran did not state that wearing the hijab for women was compulsory and respected their freedom of choice, in some countries women have lost this right and are forced to wear the hijab. In the UK, female teachers at a Muslim school in Derby were asked to sign contracts agreeing to wear a hijab even if they weren't Muslim - this kind of behaviour is not respecting of women's freedoms in Britain.
Respecting British Culture
In 2009, a former government advisor admitted publicly that the huge increase in migrants was politically motivated to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity." Many migrants have come for asylum, to see family, study or for economic opportunity, but the reality is that many are not finding their way into UK life - unemployment figures for 2023 showed that most unemployed people were Bangladeshi at 10.3%, followed by Pakistani people at 9.7%, Black or Black British at 7.2%, Indian at 7.1% Chinese at 6.1%, with white people forming the smallest group at only 3.5%. The issue may be the lack of integrational support so that people can adapt to lives in a different land and culture - and if people are not willing to integrate, that also needs to be looked at so that people with agendas who don't genuinely want to be here can be filtered away from those who genuinely want to be here and respect British culture. Unchecked immigration with no background checks also needs to stop.
Victim, Villain and Hero Dynamic
Educating people in particular is also key right now, so that people have the knowledge and tools to heal ancestral victimhood patterns and not be in a state of fear regarding what they wish to co-create and manifest. These beliefs may be in the subconscious and deeply rooted so it is important to be compassionate. It is not good psychologically to get caught up in any of these roles yet many people in the UK are in lack in terms of their psychological education.

As individuals, we can keep manifesting the culture and vibration we do want to see and trust the ripple impact of what we do. If we see a vibration we don't like, how can we anchor the opposite, for example, more respect? The more disconnected people are from their ancestors and their own culture, the easier they are to control. Certain town councils across the country have begun their meetings with Islamic prayers - examples can be seen here and here. Yet where are the Christian prayers or pagan prayers or Hindu prayers? Why is one religion being chosen in government meetings on a land whose ancestry is pagan and Celtic Christian? Is there a political agenda here for politicians to gain votes in majority Muslim areas? For such reasons, should religion be taken out of town meetings, so that it doesn't become political and used as a political weapon?
Yes, certain cultures are engaging in practises which are very dishonouring of the feminine and this is a concern - for example Somalia and Guinea has the highest rates of FGM in the world, followed by Egypt, Mali and Sudan. Our world needs a greater respect for the divine feminine in balance with the divine masculine to heal centuries of patriarchy. Every culture needs to evolve - it doesn't mean that we need to throw away our cultures and religions, but we must bring them into balance and respect and connect with the mother (yin) as much as we do the father (yang.) This practise is known as the 'reinterpretation of religion' and debates with communities regarding modern day human rights, morals and ethics are so important right now.
Protection of Human Rights
There also needs to be respect for gay people and their human rights - in the UK before 1967, homosexual acts were illegal - thankfully our culture has since evolved. It is thought that 64 countries in the world have laws criminalising homosexuality right now - yet there seems to be a bit of naivety about this amongst certain LGBQT protesters in anti-fascist marches who forget that in certain countries they would be considered as criminals just for being gay etc and that they may potentially be supporting regimes abroad which would actually see them as criminals - many of these countries were former British colonies who imposed homophobic law in the first place, however, they haven't evolved and changed. It is a concern, but here on this land, our focus needs to be on honouring and respecting the strength of our own culture which does have respect for human rights right now - we cannot keep punishing ourselves for the karma of the past of rich upper class British colonialists, (who also dominated the majority of lower class and middle class British people) yet we can focus on what kind of society we do wish to be in right now.
Reformism and Reinterpretation
One of the big problems with texts from religions is that they were written centuries ago in times of patriarchy, violence, slavery and misogyny and times very different to modern-day living. The Quran has some passages for example which seem violent and not endorsing of peace, yet they were written in times where there was a need for defence in volatile times. There is definitely a need to examine translations of religious books and ensure that the reinterpretations are there so that people don't take any controversial old statements literally. A good example of this is the Quran 9:29 in which fighting is encouraged against people who do not "adopt the religion of truth." This was written in times when people were fighting over access to sacred sites in the Holy Lands and it needs to be understood in that context. In modern-day life, there is of course the understanding that no religion is superior and that everyone should have equal access to sacred sites in the Holy Lands, which is perhaps the crux of this issue right now regarding the conflict in the Middle-East. There are many positive individuals out there who wish to see their culture or religion evolve and in the UK at the Pride march this year, some Muslims attended and an event was also organised called 'Muslim Pride.'

'Lion's Gate,' leading into the the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Reinterpretation within the major religions which all arose in the patriarchal soup of consciousness is vital right now. In the past, dogs with rabies were dangerous to people when the Quran was written, yet now we have vaccines for rabies and pet dogs are no longer a danger. Muhammad himself was a reformist and encouraged the culture around him to change and evolve - although he did not attempt to abolish slavery in his time he did advocate for better treatment of slaves and for people to free their slaves as one example of reformism. Nothing is mentioned in the Quran, but in certain texts such as verse 72 of Tafsir of Surah Al-Rahman (55) Muhammad was quoted talking about the '72 wives' the people of paradise would receive, some translated this as virgins. Yet according to this article, the scholar Dr. Maher Hathout said: "the Arabic word has no sexual connotation or gender. Hathout said that a more appropriate translation would be “angel” or “heavenly being.”" I received the message that it referred to the constellations and that those with knowledge would awaken to their relationship with the stars.
Healing Egoic Superiority Patterns
No religion or culture, or religious culture is superior to any other and it is differences which bring beauty to this planet. Superiority leads to separation and the ego - whereas the spiritual path is about humility, respect and union. If a visitor goes to Bali, they want to experience Balinese culture, they don't want to see it destroyed and replaced with an external culture. If a visitor goes to Jamaica they want to experience Jamaican culture, they don't want to see it destroyed and replaced with an external culture. If a visitor goes to Abu Dhabi, they want to experience their unique form of Arabic or Islamic culture, they don't want to see it destroyed and replaced with an external culture. If a visitor comes to the UK, they want to experience British culture, they don't want to see it destroyed and replaced by an external culture. Everywhere has ancestral heritage, ancestral wisdom and ancestral culture - to lose connection with it means that people are easier to control and dominate. We may appreciate seeing different faiths being practised in one place, yet the main culture should always be protected, or they will become extinct, along with a lot of ancient wisdom that is needed in these times of disconnection.
The far right riots in the UK kicked off after the announcement on the news on Lammas (1st of August) about the death of three girls aged 6,7 and 9 who were tragically killed at knife point at a Taylor Swift themed dance event. Disinformation soon followed that a migrant or Muslim was involved in the attack - some of this misinformation was believed to have been sent out by Russian-connected social media who claimed the suspect arrived to the UK by boat last year. Huge riots broke out as a result with the far right and some mosques were targeted. There is something to learn from this - there are clear incentives to create divisiveness and fear - we have to remember this and come back to the heart and trust. Consciousness is the only power there is, yet sometimes our will can be tested and it is vital in these times to remember the power of trust in the divine and the divine's plan.

'Una and the Lion' by Briton Rivière
Attacks on the Feminine
There was also something symbolic about this tragedy announced on Lammas which was a clear attack on the divine feminine - not only was the innocence of the 'divine child' targeted but also three girls were killed - three is the number of the goddess - the triple goddess symbol is universal. What also was intriguing was that they were at a Taylor Swift-themed event - what does this represent and why was this area targeted in the collective consciousness?
In societies where the divine feminine wisdom has been lost over centuries and patriarchy has dominated, people have lost touch with the power of the divine feminine and her wisdom - the knowledge of the moon, the cycles and rhythms and seasons of nature - the understanding that yin energy is magnetic and receptive. Her knowledge is cyclical and relates to form, rhythms and the earth. The masculine wisdom of spirituality is related to the formlessness - yang energy is radiant and giving and much emphasis is found in this in all religions with people focusing on male characters/figures mostly rather than seeing them in balance with their female counterparts. Christ (the sun) is nothing without Mary Magdalene (the moon.) It is the same for Krishna and Radha, or Muhammad and Khadija. I know Muhammad has faced criticsm regarding having a young wife in later years (varying accounts gave her age as between 9 to 19 years old) - yet his marriages in later years were often political and many were widows and thereby supported financially. He remained faithful and monogamous to Khadija (who was 15 years his elder) until she died.
"As was the tradition in Arabia (and still is in some parts of the world today), marriage typically served a social and political function – a way of uniting tribes, resolving feuds, caring for widows and orphans, and generally strengthening bonds in a highly unstable and changing political environment." From the following article.
'Monocultural Figure'
Powerful women in these times may get their power from their materialism, social influence or sexuality, rather than from their knowledge or wisdom - they may be highly sexualised or objectified. There is a lack of connection with the earth, the cycles and rhythms of the divine feminine and this may be replaced by materialism, sex and glamour or social influence which puts certain people on a pedestal. This kind of feminine energy offers little nutrition to the younger generation today, yet it is worshipped. I am not judging the feminine energy as it is today, I'm just questioning how it can evolve and grow and heal from centuries of patriarchy. Taylor Swift has 59.6 million subscribers on Youtube, gets billions of views on her videos and she is a billionaire and probably the most popular singer of the times right now. She even has her own Wikipedia page called 'Cultural impact of Taylor Swift' and is considered to be a 'monocultural figure' - this means a person or artifact whom members of a culture identify as being representative of their culture. So the clue is here - Taylor Swift represents 'western culture' and this is why this was so significant regarding the three children - the culture was being targeted, whether there was conscious awareness of it or not.

'The Moon and Sleep' by Simeon Solomon, (1894)
Western culture holds a lot of achievement in terms of reformism, freedoms and human rights. However, could it also be argued that much of 'Western culture' contains mainstream, materialist culture in which certain people are cultivated by the industry and put on pedestals and accumulate huge wealth, becoming the 'goddess' while the true divine feminine wisdom becomes more and more forgotten? I'm not saying this with judgement about famous female artists and I write it with great sadness about what happened to the three girls which was a terrible tragedy and attack on innocence. Yet there is more to all of this than it first appears. There seems to be a big can of worms here.
Taylor has obsessive fans and both positive and negative critiques online - and she has become a 'role model' for many young girls such as 7-year-old Amaya who spoke online in her own article that she finds her powerful and kind. I respect Taylor and her journey in these times and am not making any judgements about this feminine energy - I'm just asking can deeper healing happen regarding the feminine energy in our culture and how can it happen?
'Cultural Colossus'

In one article, the following was written about Taylor: "Swift is now the most influential celebrity in America. Her popularity is staggering, and her position as a cultural colossus is unquestionable." Now this is interesting that the word 'culture' has been used - yet how can the culture connect us more deeply with the divine feminine?
Some feel that she is an economical asset, bringing huge sums of money to towns she visits on tour, and she often donates to food banks and charities. Conversely others such as John Mac Ghlionn saw her as a bad role model since she is unmarried without children and, he believed, that the long list of men she has dated is not good behaviour as a role model for girls - this is quite revealing about some perceptions regarding yin (creative) energy with some people assuming that yin energy is just for creating babies, rather than creating art and perhaps a lack of understanding that some women don't have a natural calling to have children and they have equal value and worth in that decision.
One writer said: "In a time when young people are experiencing a mental health crisis, Swift’s music is a beacon of hope to her fans, and her happiness is infectious. There’s not a single reason to take that away from the many young fans who look up to her. Instead of criticisms, consider encouragement. Swift should be commended for inspiring young people, using her platform to help others and always turning around to extend a hand to the women coming up behind her. Those are life lessons worth noting."
Taking People off the Pedestal
However, could it be argued that mental health issues partly stem from putting others on pedestals and turning them into gods or goddesses, often based on material achievements, social influence or sexual prowess? Are mental health issues stemming from a total disconnection from the earth and feminine wisdom in balance with the masculine? Are women facing mental health issues because they don't see the divine feminine within themselves and have never been taught about it? What impact psychologically has porn had on the subconscious regarding masculine and feminine energy? Conversely are people getting lost in the ego and seeing themselves as superior gods or goddesses? Yes, at times we can channel the god or goddess, but we are all human beings with strengths and weaknesses. What impact does all this have in society regarding men and perceptions of the feminine in our culture? What impact does it have on young children?

'The Flower Dance' by Kate Greenaway, (1846-1901)
Last year Australian rapper Iggy Azalea had to finish her concert early in Saudi Arabia after ripping her trousers; one of her songs included the lyrics: "preaching about prophets, it ain't no one man can stop us, bow down to a goddess" and many Muslims condemned the concert as being 'un-Islamic.' It was a brave move. Again, I feel that the approach to the feminine needs to be looked at, but it's clearly the major theme interconnected with all of these cultural and religious issues right now.
In terms of issues on our land such as gang grooming, human trafficking, crime gangs, extremist fanatic groups or the racist far right, may we never underestimate the power of being equally as present or vocal in standing for what we love and putting our peace out into the world and to keep cultivating the culture we do want to see. How can we keep bringing the masculine in balance with the feminine? How can we empower people out of poverty cycles, disconnection from the divine and disconnection from healthy culture, limiting beliefs and the victim, villain, hero dynamic?
The highest vibration always prevails.
I feel so blessed and grateful to live in Britain, the land of the heart chakra of the earth and I really respect British culture and the peace, unity, tolerance and human rights that people strive to uphold here.
Feeling the tensions on the lands here like many sensitive people, I wanted to make this post during this powerful Leo time and on true Lammas and for 8/8/8. I write here a prayer for the protection of the divine feminine wisdom within our culture and for respect, peace and harmony to prevail on these lands for all beings in the UK and in the world. May all beings remember themselves and connect to the divine within. May our political systems evolve and may more independent politicians follow their heart away from the agendas of party politics. I also trust that the people can feel safe in these levels of intention, respect, peace and unity.
Please join in with these prayers if you feel the calling. Many blessings.

'Three women in a garden making music' by Kate Greenaway (1846-1901)